Hip-Hop ao vivo
Live Hip-Hop

Diogo, mais conhecido por TOPO, brinca com as rimas desde os 12 anos. Ele e o Rúben, ou Cutlet Beatmaker, começaram num pequeno estúdio caseiro na garagem de um amigo onde o improviso era o seu estilo de preferência. Crescido nas ruas de Peniche, agarrou-se à poesia como forma de criar algo mais profundo e pensado, com o mote de que quando se plantam coisas boas se colhem coisas boas. Com vontade de trazer um impacto positivo à cidade e à sua comunidade, eles seguem num caminho onde não há meta, há caminho. Esta simbiose resultou num albúm de Hip hop made in peniche - "Do nada para o topo".

Diogo, also known as TOPO, has been playing with rhymes since he was 12 years old. Him and Rúben, aka Cutlet Beatmaker, started in a small home studio in the garage of a friend where improv was their style of choice. Having grown up in the streets of Peniche, he has clung to poetry as a way of creating something deeper and more thoughtful with the motto that when you plant good things you pick good things. Wanting to positively impact the city and its community, they follow a route where there is no finish line but a way forward. This symbiosis resulted in an Hip hop album made in peniche - "Do nada para o topo", which translates to "from nothing to the top".

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